To a Husband


Its every girl’s dream

To get a partner like papa

You made that come true

How lucky I am I never knew


God knows who tells you

Or how exactly you just know

You get my want without an ask

Blessed that, for me - he made you


No matter what it may be

You have kept me high

In yours and others eye

It strengthens every bit of very me


Guys take back step

When it calls for some help

To cook, to shop, to baby sit

You lead n always took first step


 Our lives have changed for lil one

You happily gave up your frolic n fun

We became mummy – papa in turn

I believe, it is the best bargain we won


You never said or expressed on your own

But, whatever you do known/unknown

I love to be loved and feel bliss unknown

With all this you made me your own




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