The Suitcase


Survived by a wife, two married kids and three grandchildren, you were always waiting for a government job in your early days. Not everyone is favored with a good fortune to bag a driver’s job in own locality. Children grew, their needs grew. You made a move to a metropolitan city. The city had its own demands. Foremost came, owning a home and daughter’s marriage. Taking stakes, the family borrowed to enjoy the city life at its demanding price.

You have been driving the Government bus for years now. Respecting your age and experience, the bus depot manager allotted buses as per your preference. Unlike others, who preferred to work all day and return home in the evening to be with family, you preferred, buses plying at night and reaching back in the morning. As it was very hot in the day, you preferred to drive at night. This duty had better perks, luxury of extra leaves and pays during festivities. With this came an additional unwanted surge in sugar level causing diabetes.

Well shaved, nicely groomed in starched khaki uniform, looking half your age, you waited for the passengers to board at the bus terminal. Many a times, people mistook you as your son’s brother, amusing with a shrill of joy. It prompted and motivated you to look good at all times. A little pleasure to have for yourself.

That day, the depot was packed with passengers rushing to home for some festival. Almost everyone had a cheery face and warmth. Families were gathered together holding suitcases and baggies with goodies for a pious occasion. The bus filled in no time.

A passenger sat on the seat very next to you in the bus with a common suitcase. He was little perplexed. You beamed a smile and he was relaxed. It made you to feel good whenever a small gesture of kindness has restored peace and brought bliss within.

Post couple of hours, the bus stopped at a restaurant for break. Trail of buses were parked in front of the restaurant. There were few cars and trucks as well. It was the regular spot for by passers to relieve them from natural call and have something to eat. Considering your health, the family members were cautious to pack you a dinner and some snack as well. It saved time and refrained you from having greasy food outside. You finished your dinner and had a tea from the flask sent from home. Stretched yourself on one of the bus seats. After half an hours break, the bus conductor whistled for the passengers to board in. Splashing water on face was rejuvenating. With that bus engine spurred into action. Playing a movie was customary. Swayed with movie dialogues, wide eyed, drove in the darkness with the glaring head lights making an incision.

The bus halted at the final stop. Only few passengers got down. It was the time to relax for a while and then, begin the same journey backward with new faces. After all the passengers got down, you checked the interiors of the bus as usual. Everything seemed to be intact. Only a suitcase was lying beneath the seat next to you. You remarkably remembered that passenger, tried to recollect if he did board again at the restaurant stop. It did strike to you that he didn’t. Fearing the unknown, you discussed with the conductor on the next course of action to be taken. The conductor was sent to inform the depot manager regarding cancelling the bus or to arrange another driver. Grabbing suitcase in hand, you head to the police station in an auto rikshaw.

The suitcase was handed over to the inspector at police station. He was half asleep. The writer washed his face and tried to understand your qualms. Instead of appreciating for your work, they started to probe with unnecessary questions as if to punish you for waking them up at this ungodly hour. A bomb squad was summoned to check the suitcase thoroughly before opening it wide open. Everyone’s eyes shimmered in shock. It had bundles and bundles of cash stuck neatly side by side. Immediately, they stopped the inquiry session and made you to leave. You tried to ask questions and wanted to stay there to know what’s going to happen. They shut you off and showed the way out. It hardly gave you the time to think whether this incident was lodged in Police books or not as no one had written a compliant before you were asked to leave. Also, you didn’t sign anywhere.

You hoped to drive your bus back. Luckily, the conductor was waiting for you to drive again. Arrangement for an alternative driver could not be made at such a short notice at late hours. You swiftly drove back. Couldn’t hold the anxiety to tell this story to your family. How badly you wished, if only if, you had opened it before going to police. Might have got a good home to live. Quit the job and started a small business. Paid all your debts and lived carefree.

Usually, after reaching home, you took bath, had breakfast and slept for the whole day. Everyone at home was busy in preparing for the function. It was one among those festivals when everyone gathered and had a gala time. You were little late for home, so many worried faces gazed at once. You gave them the self-assuring smile. Started to narrate the last night’s saga, allowing them to dream their castles in air. Could have paid school fees for grandchildren. Might have bought a plot or some jewelry. New clothes or car may be. What if deposited in recurring account. No one moved until the very last bit of the story poured into their ears. Chatted happily on the possibilities of using the suitcase money. As the realization struck, equally amused, you all picked up the daily chores. Left alone in room, left for self, you were in slumber after a long night.

Days passed, there was no news of the lost suitcase. You still wonder, where all that money went or was it all just a dream. Now, you cautiously search for the perplexed faces boarding the bus.

Hard luck!




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