Dad On The Death Bed

 Dad On The Death Bed

An everyday call with Dad

Made the heaven to pat

One sad bad stinky day

Wish it’d never come my way


Didn’t get a call from Dad

Neither Mom did open up

A silence so fishy, couldn’t gulp up

Hammered all day on my head


Stepped up, flew miles to reach them

There, I caught up with him

Mom was fragile and meek

With reddened eyes and sunken cheek


I was allowed to enter intensive care

Heart went out to stop not dare

Dad on the death bed did cheer

Don’t fear dear when I am there


Lost all my senses, I wasn’t there

Picked up myself, connected last calls to bare

Nobody believed, death was mulling over

We’d be the last one to see and hear


One stroke, burst the hell loose

Even in paralysis, he held us close

With eyes wide open for one last time

Towards heaven, he did show the sign


A thousand words fell out

Without uttering a spell

We were spell bound as he let us

With memories never to dispel


He went into coma

Leaving us in a trauma

Not knowing what to do

Where should we go


We all prayed to the gods

Wished for a miracle to happen

But, he decided the odds

Left us to go to a place unknown


I know Dad you are there somewhere

Must be hearing me from there

All your life, you lived for others

Hope, you had a share of yours


 Some more happy years together

All of us have yearned & waited for

Wherever you are, you are within us

I still can’t believe you are not with us

- Saranya






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