Jegan and Me - The English Teacher_20 Dec'21


This is in continuation to the blog “My Proud Moment” -


The English Teacher

It was 1995.

I entered the 6th standard classroom in the Govt. school. The kids were sitting on the tattered benches. There were > 50 kids in a classroom - girls and boys in almost equal number. Both the genders were shabbily dressed in unkempt hair. I was touring an alien space and for them I seemed like one. My dress was tidy and neatly pressed. Wore polished shoes and groomed well. Always combed hair with proper partition.

Vijay! come here. My best friend Jegan cheerfully shouted from the last bench. As soon as I heard his voice, I breathed relief. Ran and sat beside him. This was the first time since my schooling that I sat in the last bench.

I remembered my father’s words – “Anyone who is slightly good at studies can score first rank in English medium school among < 7 students per class. If you are really that good, prove your merit in the Govt. school where there is cutthroat competition”. There were no girls in my class in that English medium school where I studied till 5th Standard.

On the contrary, the Govt. schools were sprawling with the students as they were given midday meals and subsidy for educating their children.

I never wanted to go there. So, joined the classes after a month or 2 when my father didn’t get me an admission elsewhere. Whereas Jegan attended the classes right from the beginning and happily took admission in the Govt. school instead of a good convent school in the nearby town. He knew, if my father has decided something, I must abide by it. One fine day, I had to make up my mind and show up at school. Jegan was the happiest person on that day.

As soon as the first-class bell rang, all the students took out their English book. Everyone was terrified that they must read a poem. I vaguely remember that it was on face. My turn came. Jegan started saying – “Teacher! Teacher! he has joined today and doesn’t know about his. Leave him. Let him do it later”.

Me: Ma’am, let me try please.

Everyone was supposed to go in front, near the black board and read. I didn’t have the book. Peeked on Jegan’s book and others. I was afraid that I’ll be punished for not bringing the book as per timetable. I memorized the poem on my way. It hardly had 10 simple verses. It was even simpler than the nursery rhymes I learnt. I blurted out the poem in one go. Everyone looked at me in astonishment and admiration. The teacher was flabbergasted.

Jegan : Teacher! Teacher! He is my best friend. We studied in the same school.

All this time, I had only one doubt; from when Jegan started calling a Miss/Ma’am as teacher. He read my mind and said - “Wait for a month or two and you’ll be calling the same”. So, did I.

I somehow managed to learn all the subjects in Tamil. Still, had difficulty in understanding math in Tamil. Luckily, for the math exam, English teacher was the examiner. I begged her to stand by my side and translate the paper for me. She was scared that others might think wrongly as her to be helping me in writing the answers. Only after she completed the translation, I wrote the examination and came out quite earlier than others.

May be the number of students were more, but the syllabus didn’t weigh much on me.

My fathers words always resonated in my mind. I couldn't afford to loose the first position ever. I studied hard to keep up.

It didn’t take long for me to move to the front bench. Jegan was also moved to an adjacent section. We both stood first in our classes. I held the first rank combining all the classes. Jegan profusely thanked me for this. He never remotely dreamt of getting first rank in his life.

Our English teacher was the person whom we met recently. She hasn’t changed a bit. She is one among the teachers who could never be forgotten or thanked less for all their lessons imparted.

-          -  Vijayakumar Natarrajan




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