
Showing posts from 2020

Book Review : Malala

Title : Malala Author : Christina Lamb Read on: 14 th Dec, 20   It’s a real story of Malala from Pakistan who endured her survival and right to education in presence of Taliban. The story is knitted beautifully with the details of the history of Swat people and their existence over few decades as a part of Pakistan. I learnt that Pashto is a language and they have their own style of writing poetic verses. One gets a feeling of being on tour to Swat. I can imagine all the tourists’ places and wish to see it at least once. I always thought Pakistanis to be our enemies and so do all the kids in India. It has become a mindset that almost all the people from that land are terrorists. Only in recent times, after reading and watching content on them, I do understand that there are way too many good Samaritans there. All those good voices are being suppressed. I did hear Taliban many a times in news. Never knew that it truly means a group of people who follow Islam. I thought it

Book Review : Sethji - Shobhaa De

  Title : Sethji Author : Shobhaa De Published : 2012 Read on: 15 th Nov, 20   The book blazes the lives of socialites – politician, businessmen and people from film industry by torching their spiteful souls whose lust and power greed runs flip-flop on a threadbare marital relationship. It’s a tragic satire, a realistic fiction, an irony which highlights to what extent a life could droop to achieve the ultimate heights perceived. The story builds with description of characters associated with Sethji intertwined with Kautilya’s Arthashastra. In Hindi, Seth means a rich person and Ji is added to symbolize respect. The second most important character which portrays a bigger role than Sethji is his daughter-in-law (Bahu in Hindi). At times, it seems that the story is more about the bahu. Kautilya or Chanakya or Vishnugupta authored ancient Indian political treatise. The lifestyles, thought process and hypocrisy of each character is brilliantly elaborated which gives a sense

Into the future - journey towards a career !!

  Growing in India, the kids of 90 s were always fascinated by films, actors and cricketers. Everyone had a secret dream to be one or meet one while most of them ended up with engineering if they did slightly well in studies. Engineering was a kind of insurance in people’s mind which can bail them in troubled situations of future. Shruthi was in 5 th grade when she thought of documenting the folk jingles taught by her Grandma to cherish later. With that she wrote other songs and poured her heart out on paper which felt better than speaking to someone uninterrupted. Shruthi and her best friend started to write few rhyming lines as it was fun to do. She never knew, becoming a poet could be a career too. Films had a major role in dreaming a future. One can always attach self to a movie character. She liked the police role. But, it required one to be physical fit. Shruthi had asthma and couldn’t even participate in athletes at school. So, she thought, she couldn’t do justice to the r

A Mischievous Satan

  A Satan flourishing mischief loom Locking Grandpa in the bathroom Sticking stickers on Grandma’s mouth Bubbling soap water to spill froth   Acting all the acts of movie stars Mocking dialogues of home wars Colouring all over the walls Turning all the amused eye balls   Stuffing food one sided in mouth Surfing mobile on the couch Enjoys fun, cracks pun, a giggling pouch Give a task, lo and behold, becomes sloth   Sir demands the world As he is all we call as our world Wetting beds at night & eyes in day With menace, as he may   A non stop non-sense With sparkling brilliance An adorable Satan in true sense Its my son, no one else                

Woman of Substance!!

  An apple of eye Is that am I   A goody step at a time to better than I   A count of time as priceless dime Pays respect, buys gratitude - do say I   A heart that knows not to sigh or bye Never say never, bang on high – five I   A chiselled mind, sharpening the naïve Swollen with a pride, it’s a happy I   A healthy, fine, sublime sunshine Isn’t there a passionate pro in I   A brave, bold & beautiful – no grapevine Let’s elate, Woman of Substance am I        

Whats Happening ?

  A sadness that mulls within I am dying and writhing with anger An anger so fierce that pinches in I am flinching, tearing apart, fearing danger   A monster so silent Ready to pounce to be violent Ashamed to speak up Engraving the grave up   Blinded by haunting bits Wanna throw it in pits Dirty and filthy as it may seem Its all that I redeem   Everytime I find narrow escape It proves to be yet another trap A trickle of smile does scare It points to another massacre   Simmering and burning in Praying to die once and for all Bleeding to rip the cut open Weighing too much for whats happening !!      

To a Husband

  Its every girl’s dream To get a partner like papa You made that come true How lucky I am I never knew   God knows who tells you Or how exactly you just know You get my want without an ask Blessed that, for me - he made you   No matter what it may be You have kept me high In yours and others eye It strengthens every bit of very me   Guys take back step When it calls for some help To cook, to shop, to baby sit You lead n always took first step     Our lives have changed for lil one You happily gave up your frolic n fun We became mummy – papa in turn I believe, it is the best bargain we won   You never said or expressed on your own But, whatever you do known/unknown I love to be loved and feel bliss unknown With all this you made me your own    


  Having brothers is in itself a special boon Rest assured that you are never all alone Especially when you feel so down-down Just tell them - they retrieve you again   You might have fought like cats & dogs But, when it comes to stand against others No-one can break the joint of brothers & sisters Shield by unleashing each other's bests    There are little moments of downs & drifts There are others where we clasped wrists Somehow, we did walk the same pathways Through all our good-bad, ups and downs   You guys mean the most to me May your birthdays reopen your lives with glee Let it fill with benign abundance whatever it maybe I wish I could be there with you as much as I could be      

Sales Meet

  The most awaited sales happening Organized for engaging the ones who engage Where we pride in new beginning After passing through market’s gage   The platform for setting the goals brought an understanding of self With churning of number pools Cleared the yearlong book keeping shelf   Vision for the future has been bestowed To the best of the company Who ensured the promises to be restored It did create a symphony   Another year ahead to await For a 3 days of never ending enthrall Which did all of us captivate Hope it unleashes the best of all    

Putting myself in someone else's shoes

  There are few days in life full of all sorts of strife   A mix of banters of laughter A line of grim assaulter   Hardly do I know the way to go To raise head or to bow   There is a list of task to be done A series of things to get undone   I am seriously confused I am mused, why I never refused   God only knows, what’s in store But, please don’t make me to abhor

Bedtime with my breath

  The day I sensed you within me I practiced my breath for you and me   With every breath you became my breath   It was the blissful me or rather we slept for hours in glee as long as can we   Then, I had you in my hand there hasn't ever been an event so grand   Forgot sleep, became Mummy busy bee as you always cuddled with me You wanted more & more of me Great bedtime buddies were we   At bedtime, I giggled a lot When on bed, you searched me with closed eyes, you longed for me you always snuggled to end this plot   Now, time has come When you can sleep all alone see how old you have become Here I lost my sleep again as I search you in my dream !!    - Saranya          

At Work

  It all begins within A passion to connect-reconnect to reign The hearts/souls unseen I unleash the minds to bring in   Wherever I go, Whatever I do I keep myself on the toe to give the best on the go hardly say a no


  It’s a timeless tale Retold by many – never goes stale Wherever mother’s love does prevail, every such blessed child is hearty n hale   There are umpteen motherly figures in everyone’s lives and beliefs Would like to thank all of them from the depth of my heart’s bottom   Still, there is just one person on whom, we are authoritarian who showered love without a condition Love you Maa, for being my life’s treasure & reason    


  Every step in life is a learning in its own Every step that we own is taught by someone known – unknown or no one, but, life   An ode to all the teachers might never suffice in true sense It’s a piece of thank you note An expression of gratitude to everyone & everything that made my life to make sense

Happy New Year !

  Many a times, I don’t get to see you Still there is a bond connecting you Thank you for the value you add to Appreciate the efforts you put into   I wish you & everyone with you Merrier laughs & brighter you May you succeed in all you do Let the coming year make lives anew J

Bring it up !

  People are there everywhere Some do motivate Some do the opposite But, there are very few who inspire   Keep the inspiration within you Be the one who does inspire Follow what your heart says Give your ears to only few   May all your wishes come true Keep the fire burning in you Never let your voice drop low Even if someone makes you to bow   Rise above all and everyone It’s impossible to please one and all Please yourself & the within Bring it up, let it grow to make way beyond

Miss you bestie

  Relationships become beautiful When you get someone so beautiful With a kind heart and empathizing soul You have supported me as whole   Will miss you from bottom of heart Wish a lovely future for little sweetheart For whom everything is worth it So if you have to leave, so be it   Will be there for you For whatever it may be Would give the best of me To see you happy as you could be


  Mindful of yourself Mindless of the world   A trance so alluring Sparse for sharing   Ticking Trickling time Every time that costs dime   Work or no work Waking hours on a wok   Never-ending it does seem Nevertheless end is to redeem      

Happy :)

  Who doesn’t want to be happy? Feels even better, when you are the reason for someone to be. Our happiness is planned way before the day of our very humble existence. So many people brainstorm in this exercise throughout our lives. Everything is thought upon to lead a life – family, school, a career, marriage and what not? Somewhere on this journey, Mr. Happiness is left lonely considering other aspects. We run day and night to be successful, to be an apple of eye, to be a star. Where are we for ourselves? How many days did we speak to the inner we? Some might name it altruism and it does bring happiness. We sometimes loan our lives to the happiness of so many people that this treasure box remains as a hollow shell with darkness. It’s nearly impossible to please each and every one. True that we live for others. To live for each other, maybe to live is more important. To live, we ought to be happy amidst the pain. They are the flip sides of our lives. We know the fact that sharing

The Suitcase

  Survived by a wife, two married kids and three grandchildren, you were always waiting for a government job in your early days. Not everyone is favored with a good fortune to bag a driver’s job in own locality. Children grew, their needs grew. You made a move to a metropolitan city. The city had its own demands. Foremost came, owning a home and daughter’s marriage. Taking stakes, the family borrowed to enjoy the city life at its demanding price. You have been driving the Government bus for years now. Respecting your age and experience, the bus depot manager allotted buses as per your preference. Unlike others, who preferred to work all day and return home in the evening to be with family, you preferred, buses plying at night and reaching back in the morning. As it was very hot in the day, you preferred to drive at night. This duty had better perks, luxury of extra leaves and pays during festivities. With this came an additional unwanted surge in sugar level causing diabetes. Well

Life in 4 walls

  Life in 4 Walls Getting work from home was a luxury some time ago. People longed for it and now they don’t want it any longer. This is an analysis of a commoner’s life in 4 walls with an advent of uncommon situation. Astha joined an organization in Sales. She also had a 3 years old kid while joining. After a year, when she was able to prove her credibility, she was granted to work from home. This work from home included alternative week travel to manage client meetings at different locations. Considering the trade-off of few days on travel with quality time for kid every day, she agreed. People envied saying, How lucky you are – you need not to be in traffic, you need not to face your boss daily, you can watch movie or rest whenever you want, you can manage all you emergencies without taking leave, Why are you not picking calls at times – you are just at home, if you are good at communication – you can get any lenience etc. The irony - As usual, Astha was up by 5:00 am to sta

Is that you ?

In a good old college, with fun and frolic you enjoyed your days. Loved to study. Had way too many friends. Planned for get outs and trips. Went on and on for window shopping. Tried piles of clothes. Had food from top class restaurants to hawkers on the road. Darkened the hostel room to have movie with pizza. Joined beds together for sleepover nights. Piled books on the table to keep laptop on it and binged on favorite movies whole night. Watched several seasons of soaps. Wished for these days to go on. With a twinkle in eyes to unleash the world, these were the blessed happy days presented by the parents.   The college days were coming to an end. The placement cell was actively functioning for inviting companies to organize campus interviews. Grappled with books and worked on to crack aptitude tests. Grilled in mock interviews. Faculties fed you with happenings and non-happenings. An eerie heart thumping air made everyone to push themselves a notch higher to get somewhere. Somew

Dad On The Death Bed

  Dad On The Death Bed An everyday call with Dad Made the heaven to pat One sad bad stinky day Wish it’d never come my way   Didn’t get a call from Dad Neither Mom did open up A silence so fishy, couldn’t gulp up Hammered all day on my head   Stepped up, flew miles to reach them There, I caught up with him Mom was fragile and meek With reddened eyes and sunken cheek   I was allowed to enter intensive care Heart went out to stop not dare Dad on the death bed did cheer Don’t fear dear when I am there   Lost all my senses, I wasn’t there Picked up myself, connected last calls to bare Nobody believed, death was mulling over We’d be the last one to see and hear   One stroke, burst the hell loose Even in paralysis, he held us close With eyes wide open for one last time Towards heaven, he did show the sign   A thousand words fell out Without uttering a spell We were spell bound as he let us With memories never to dispel   H