why I am not scared of Ghosts anymore..

I was in 7th standard. It was the last period before our half yearly exams. We had two days holidays before the exam. So, we decided to gossip on horror stories, movies, shows and scary real life experiences...our chit chat went on in the bus as well and I continued to talk about it with my brother even after reaching home.

In the evening we saw Zee horror show after dinner. I sat on my chair with my back on one arm and both the legs resting on the other. I took all the cautions to cover up myself with the blanket, keeping my face alone out of it as if the ghost from the horror show would come out and grab my legs or hands if I kept them outside the blanket.

We(bhai and myself) switched on the heater and covered ourselves with blankets. Then, don't know why on earth, all the stories started to play. I was the main character in whatever played in my dreams or in real (as I felt). I was burnt in my bed...the crop of hair filled room suffocating me to death...there was a ghost hiding beneath the bed and it pulled my legs...I was floating in air...I was wearing payal (anklet) and walking in white saree outside the morgue...don't remember exactly what I saw...but, I was scared to death..I was wide awake after some time..

I tried to take my hand outside the blanket, a chill gush of air touched my fingers. I was well aware that heater was working fine with its red hot burning rods..then why did I feel the chill...it scared me even more and I dared not to take any part of my body outside the blanket. This time, my face was also well covered with the blanket. I wanted to scream and cry. The voice was not coming out. Tears started to roll on my cheeks and now I was able to cry aloud. But, I muffled myself, fearing that the ghost(pret atma) would hear me and feed on me.

The only way to shut this was the dawn. As, I had the logic that the pret atma cannot hurt anyone if it dawns. I thought of grabbing my table clock and setting up an alarm for 6:00 am. but then, I couldn't take my hand out of the blanket. I was shivering badly. Everyday, I used to bring the newspaper. I used to hear the "thud" sound of newspaper crashing in between 6 'o'clock to 6:30 on the main door of the living room  which was adjacent to my bedside wall. It was kind of alarm for me to wake up everyday ( as I used to sometimes forget to set alarm at 5:30 in the table clock or switched it off). So, all I was doing is concentrating myself to hear that "thud" sound which was my last hope. And behold, I heard it quite soon. As soon as I heard that, I looked at my table clock - the time was 6:30 am. I rushed to mom-dad's room and banged their room door.

I was frantically screaming and banging the door. Dad opened the door. Pushing him aside, I jumped on their bed and covered myself again with a blanked. Clueless, Dad and Mom asked me umpteen questions and all I could muster to say was; " I saw a nightmare" . I looked at the wall in their room - the time was 3:30 am. I saw the table clock upside down in my room and "thud" sound was because it was quite windy that night, so a branch of tree near the living room was broken or fell down.

Dad applied holy ash on my forehead. Mom touched my neck and said that " She has fever". She gave me an antipyretic tablet (paracetabmol). Both of them patted my back and made me to sleep. I had fever for a week. Somehow managed to clear all the papers in half yearly. I stopped eating non-veg as it tasted pretty bad when I was having fever (my mouth felt bitter).

After, this episode, I decided not to be scared. Now, the ghosts fail to scare, but, the human kind scares  me the most :) 


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