The Irony !


The Irony!

1) If a woman is earning and taking care of household work as well as office, people say " What is there? She is getting maid's help and can spend happily as per her whims and fancies ". If someone is illiterate and does only household work depending on husband's income for expenses, people say " Poor lady. How hard she works to bring up her children. What will she do whole day? ". Though in both the cases, women are trying their best. 

2) If someone doesn't know cooking and is from a village, people pity and say that poor lady she has all the life worked in fields, how she will know cooking. If an educated women tries to cook as good as possible, people say " What is there? She must have eaten good food all her life and learnt from so many TV shows or Youtube"

3) If a man doesn't know cooking, people pity that how he will manage. If a woman doesn't, people taunt " look she doesn't even know cooking, all she knows is to sit and eat".

4) If a woman goes to office, she should cook, get the child ready, drop at school and do household chores before leaving for office. Sometimes drive to office as well. One day if the same thing a man has to do, he becomes a poor chap in everyone's eyes.

5) If a man beats wife, he is a man so he can. If a woman does, how dare she can?

6) So many women compromise their career, no one sings their greatness and instead praise man for being an achiever. Yes, it is always said that behind a man's success, a woman is there. But, no on talks or is concerned for the compromises woman has made. Even if a negligible compromise, a man does, he becomes the greatest in mankind. Say if he changed his office to other location for better prospects and amicable life, people say " What kind of vamp his wife is? Don't know what black magic she has done on her husband. She has split the family.

7) Once a woman is married off, for life long she becomes a stranger in her own maternal home and whatever she might do her in laws hardly consider her as their own. Until she is married, she is rebuked to learn cooking and cleaning as per her parent's liberty. Sometimes her own mother says, " do as per you wish in your home once you are married". Once you are married, you hardly have liberty to do anything as you become part of someone else's household.

8) Some enjoy juicy gossips with pinching sweetness that draws utter bitterness.

9) The dirtier your secret is, the merrier are few wretched ones.

10) For few soulless people, everyone's business is their business. Sadly, when this business stinks in the abyss of depression, they are nowhere to be found.

11) People save the best of their advice for the worst time when the other person can no longer take it.

12) If women plan for a solo trip or a trip with kid, it does shake the entire household. If a man does, everyone is with him to plan, pack, unpack and feed. Worst if she doesn't earn.

 - Saranya


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