Happy in the Land of Emotions :)


This short story is based on the imagination of my son - Harshil. He was toying with idea of owning a country named Happy and being the King of Happy. He devised his own language Happiti by assigning symbols for English alphabets. The country has its own number symbols and currency Happiri. 1 Happiri = 500 Kuwaiti Dinar. The country has national emblem, flag and the Bank of Happy.

Fun Fact - A person can own a country if it has defined boundary with a stagnant population acknowledged by an existing country in our world.

Now here goes our story - Happy in the Land of Emotions 😊

Once Upon a time in a faraway land – The Land of Emotions, there were small kingdoms who were based on different emotions. The kingdom which was always happy was called as Happy. The others were Sady, Angry and Jealousy.

 The kingdom of Happy was ruled by the great king Harshil. Udas, Raudra and Irsha ruled Sady, Angry and Jealousy respectively.

In Happy, people were cared about each other’s happiness. They seldom hurt their people. Happy found ways to be happy and stayed close as a loving family. To make every day joyous, they prayed the smiley in different forms. They kept smiling whole day. Everyone started their day with a smile by looking at the smiley.

All the other lands were anything but happy. As Happy was not in their league, their collective emotions made them to join hands against it. They elected a person from each kingdom to work on a plan to turn the Happy people to have negative emotion.

As per their plan, on one dark moon night, the 3 elected negative persons entered Happy in wee hours past midnight. One angry person fumed the entire Happy kingdom with sleeping gas so that they fall into a slumber lasting few days. One sad person removed all Smilies from Happy homes. The last one Jealousy made poor poorer and rich richer.

Strangely, all the negative people had a sense of big achievement after doing this.  They all rejoiced and partied for days until the people of Happy woke up from their slumber.

All the Happy citizens felt quite relaxed after a long rest. Though there were no Smilies, they were still happy seeing each other’s happy faces. The poor became poorer and rich richer. A simple sharing and caring sorted it all to restore their happiness. Now it was strange for them as well that people of Sady, Angry and Jealousy were being Happy with a sense of great pride. Being happy for few days made the negative emotion lands also addicted to it. Seeing the Happy citizens happy again made them to have a surge of anger, sadness and jealousy. But they were changed people now and wanted to remain happy.

The people of Happy were more the merrier seeing others happy not knowing the reason behind it. A pang of guilt ran through the kingdom of Sady, Angry and Jealousy.

All the rulers of kingdoms in the Land of Emotions decided to have a meeting in the epicentre where a patch was no man’s land. Udas, Raudra and Irsha confessed to Harshil on their hideous act and the sense of happiness. All of them had an urge to have this positivity of being happy forever and now they wanted to be happy for good.

They unitedly agreed to form a government elected by all the people of different kingdoms. This day was then on celebrated as Day of Happiness. All the kingdoms were renamed with synonyms of Happy with common rules to prioritize everyone’s happiness equally. Apart from Happy, the other newly formed positive kingdoms were Joy, Jolly and Cheer 😊

As we say for a good end - They all lived happily ever after!! 😊

-          A story by Harshil & Saranya





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