Fighting Common Cold

Fighting Common Cold


These days every other person suffers from common cold. Due to dust, lifestyle, weak immune systems or unhealthy food consumption. Some are in our hand, other factors like change in season or location is not in our hand.

 There are some simple habits which can either prevent or cure common cold faster. It might reduce the consumption medically prescribed drug.

 Yoga - Breathing exercise or pranayama could be practiced daily morning. It is the best way to start your day. In our fast busy schedule, we even forget to breathe. The breathing exercise involves taking deep breath. Blocking one nostril with thumb finger, deep inhalation to fill the lungs and releasing it gradually without making noise till the lungs gets emptied is the breathing exercise. It has to be repeated at least 10 times from each nostril. It should be practiced in a silent and soothing place with closed eyes. It is a kind of meditation in its own. This will bring positivity, increase oxygen level in blood, prevent germs from settling in the bronchi and refreshes you.

Drink - Drinking water is quintessential for wading off any disease. To combat common cold, warm water with honey, lemon juice and crushed ginger can be sipped twice a day. It would great to begin every day with a glass of warm water followed by gargle with salted warm water. This can do the magic.

Fruits & Vegetables - Fresh fruits and vegetables will prevent in catching cold by strengthening the immune system. If you have cold, make a warm broth or soup with a mix of vegetables. Add a dash of pepper, turmeric and select spices to bring on the required heat. Instead of eating cold food, eat warm food or food at room temperature.

Egg/Chicken/Mutton - Boiled egg and hot broths or soups made with chicken stock can give warmth to the body. It helps in building the stamina that goes down when we are sick. The hot broth or soup vapors will aid in clearing cold. It also benefits by keeping the disease at bay.

Steam - Sit on a rug, keep a vessel with hot water near you and add a pinch of eucalyptus oil or balm. As soon as you add it, cover yourself and he vessel inside a blanket. It is the best solution for reducing the ear pain that is caused due to cold. The ear lobe gets infected when you have severe cold and it pains. This will give immediate relief. Additionally, before taking bath, soak eucalyptus and neem leaves in very hot water. In some time, the water will soak medicinal particles from neem and eucalypts. Neem has antibacterial content and eucalyptus when inhaled cures cold. The vapor filled in the bathroom will support in easing the cold and the water clears of germs sticking on body. The cold disturbs night's sleep. The steam can be taken before sleeping or before taking bath in the morning.

 A regular balanced diet and sleep is the best medicine for curing any disease. There are many medicinal plants that are used as household remedy by many like boiling betel leaves and consuming the water, chewing Indian Brage or Karpuravalli with salt and pepper, Kabasura powder (mix of Indian herbs) in hot water, mint and basil. Alternatively, rubbing or inhaling balm, warm cloths, covering body well as per the need helps.

 Eat Healthy, Take Rest, Stay Strong !

- Saranya


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