Catching Wasp

 Catching Wasp

In summers, the jasmine flower creeper near the window bloomed to its fullest. The entire room smelled good. At night, it made weird images on the windowsill and wall. Occasionally, bees and wasps built their homes on the trees in the front garden which can be seen from the window.

Once it so happened that a wasp entered the bedroom through the window. I was scared that it would somehow bite me. I came up with a brilliant idea to catch it alive and leave it in the garden. For that, I sat silently and watched it intently. Once it sat on the teddy bear in a corner, I got a small towel to hold it. I carefully kept the towel on the wasp. Bundled it softly with care. I was super happy that I did it. Now, I just had to leave it in the garden.

Suddenly, I felt an excruciating pain in my wrist. I screamed aloud - Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Heard a “Thud” sound. Dropped the towel and ran to the living room. Mummy fell from chair. She was lying flat on the floor and so did the chair. Mummy was cleaning the shelf. To reach the top one, she was standing on a chair.

Seeing me sobbing, somehow, she gained all her strength and asked what happened. I showed the wrist where wasp stung. Holding my other hand, she rushed to the kitchen. Luckily, we had limestone powder (chuna) at home. As soon as she applied it on the wrist, I was relieved in no time.

Once both of us were sober, she asked me what happened. We laughed together at our plight.

In the season of summer

there grew jasmine flower creeper

The jeepers-creepers grew so fuller

Voila !! it became window cover


Its shadow made Dracula on the wall

I was scaredy cat rickety so small

added ghostly ghastly jasmine smell

pushed me tip to toe in blanket to muffle


Days were happy, until a bummer

A yellow-yellow dirty fellow buzzed in room

It was a wasp – Bizzz, Buzzz, Braam Broom

Here I go to catch it as no brainer


Hid to watch it settle on Teddy in corner

Caught it in a towel clasp as coroner

A wasp bite, teary eyed, shrilling AAAAAh !!

ended with a Thudd !! and Maaaaaah !!


Mom and chair were lying flat on floor

She was on chair doing dusting chore

Furious her, in pain us and a dead intruder

Mom dizzy-fizzy with me achy-itchy dumber


She balmed both me and her

Treas dried; her rebuke died - we sober

This wasp catching scene so so sombre

Ironically made us laugh out louderrrr 😊


 Written By - Saranya

Illustration - Harshil & Saranya


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