
Showing posts from March, 2022

Comics on the go - Superhero in you

 Comics on the go Our worlds are so small. When we rewind the wires accumulated, a point is reached so soon where it began in the first place. In the northern part of India, many years ago, people mainly conversed in Hindi. Many of us were not conversant in English. In early 90’s, kids weren’t online. Watching TV was limited to few hours a day. Scrutinized kids shows were the only ones allowed to watch after finishing the day’s homework from school. Scorching sun forbade from playing in the afternoon. That was the time when we exchanged and read cartons of comics. Comics with big images of the so called superheroes and a thin write up on storyline or dialogues.   You name them, I have read them somewhere sometime. Few famous ones where Chacha Chaudhary – his brain runs faster than computer, Nagraj – Snake King, Shaktiman - Superman, Pinky the menace. All these characters were part of Indian comic era. There were few rare ones – Archies. I had a collection of them in cartons. A prized p

Idea - 15Dec17

  Ideas are part of you You could be an idea though Make it a good one no soon Known or could be a boon !!!

Woomanhood - 9March2018

  There is one life that we all get to live I wished I had been a boy many a times as that always seemed better Then, there were times when I struggled & wriggled it did make me feel that being woman isn't all about an option to get something better We talk about equality/ inequality in true sense, any woman playing a similar role is always a notch above being a parent, sibling, employee ........ Its more responsibility more fun, more anger, more tolerance may be its an in-built extra package proud to be a woman I salute the womanhood - Saranya

Colours - 5May2013

  We move with Changing colours.. Everyday I believe…hmm..I wish…. To have all the shades Except a few Let the grey change to Green or bright blue Wish the red to Have a beautiful rosy hue A transparent little dew.. Blending with all the colours..I knew Is something I love to be.. Is it just mix of colours…??? All of my life I wonder..n could it be? That my eyes keep seeing.. Every colour as new as it could be. :) :) - Saranya


  Hope…   We step out with teary eyes For everyone’s rejoice Minds with infinite dreams Surround us with walls and circles   A rollercoaster of ups and downs Carries ripples of rosy streams Even in unfathomable abyss Heart beats yearn for peace   Sometimes it's just you Still, you are there for you In melancholy, toil to be happy Open up to see what you savvy   Every precious moment of today Hopes for a better tomorrow in array It does matter how we leave and live by Leave in a symphony of harmony   With teary eye, we step out Breaking the circles and walls Living up or leaving hopes In an unknown unseen bout    - Saranya


  Cold Uma was a teacher in an Anglo-Indian school situated in a rural village of Rajasthan, India. There were hardly few teachers who put their skin in the game to get their students the best education possible. Even if it was in rural India, none of the students were allowed to speak in any other language or dialect except English. The class will have pin-drop silence until the belle rang to announce the period end. There was an extraordinary bonding between kids and Uma. She loved them and disciplined without giving corporal punishment. Soon she earnt admiration from everyone and there jealous few as well. It was harsh winter when a regular half yearly parent-teacher meeting was organized. In those days parents from villages were simple and they asked any doubt that came in their mind to the teachers. An educated person was highly respected and believed to have know-how of anything under the sun. Chintu was absent for quite a few days. Uma was astonished to know that due to


  MITHUN Mithun Chakraborty…. Does that name ring a bell. It does right if you know the song I am a Disco Dancer.. Dad - A huge fan of Mithun. He had that disco dancer T-Shirt in blue with silver lining. When he did put on weight in his 40s, I wore it as my night dress with a pride that I am wearing something that my Dad loved. I still do the same and it feels that I am carrying a part of him with me. We had a VCR – Video Cassette Recorder and Dad brought movie cassettes on almost every weekend for us to watch together and then go to bed. It was kind of a ritual that I am still following and crave for. At least now we select and watch. In those days, there weren’t many movies and promos. We were always excited to see on Saturdays, what did Dad bring while coming from office. Dad was too bad in reading and writing any language. One day he said that we are going to watch chaat. I had only eaten chaat and never heard of such movie. It turned out to be Ghaath. No matter what, he

One Movie - Changed it all

  One Movie - Changed it all A new place, new people, new language with an old buddy family. I just joined a post-graduation course when we moved to Bellampalli, Andhara Pradesh. We always had Telugu speaking neighbors. So, it was more like a third mother tongue followed by Hindi and Tamil. We were lucky to have Khan Aunty and Uncle in this unknown place. Khan aunty always treated me as her own daughter. Her agony was not having one of her own. Maa was all alone once I left for college. Somehow, she again took up teaching in a nearby school. Still, my absence was dearly missed. I watched all the action movies with Dad and drama ones with Maa. Rarely, we watched together when both didn’t understand the movie. I was their subtitle and translator. In due course of time Khan aunty and Maa teamed up to watch movies in the sole theater of the town. They will watch first day first show. Whenever I had holidays, special plans were made. We thoroughly enjoyed watching Maghadhera. Khan aun

Aey Choti !

  Aey Choti ! Sachin always excelled in both studies and sports, especially cricket. He was one among the top three students in all the grades. In the 5 th grade, Sanskrit was introduced. As per CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education), students were supposed to choose only two languages post 9 th grade. Mostly people chose English and Hindi. Hence, the famous saying goes   - Phalum Phale Phalani, Sanskrit kabhi na aani, aani toh bhool jaani (We can’t learn Sanskrit, even if we do, we’ll forget). No one gave much of importance to it. That anguished the Sanskrit teacher (Mr. Acharya) all the time. Sachin hailed from K.G.F where plenty of Anglo-Indians and Christians resided. Though, it was part of Karnataka, mostly people spoke in Tamil. There, father is fondly called as Daddy. In Hindi vernacular, sometime people pronounced it as “Deady”. This gave Acharyaji a chance to say “What kind of language is this where you have to call your father as Dead-y”. The moment he said this, a

Elephant Pet

  Elephant Pet Krishu was just 5 years old when her parents moved to a small town in northern part of India. She was admitted in upper Kinder Garten (U KG) there. She had barely learnt to speak in Tamil and in this new land everyone spoke in Hindi. Though, there were two Tamil families in her vicinity and they did bond well. More than good speakers, she made friends with the one who doesn’t know how to speak in a language. She ran after butterflies. Loved to see peacocks spreading their feathers. Threw fruits to see if the monkey is throwing something else back. Made earthworms to swim in a narrow water channel when it rained. Fed lizards with May flies that scattered on floor near lampposts at night. Followed frogs by jumping like them. Played with street dogs. Tried to imitate chirping birds and so on. One day, she had to come home alone from school as two of her pals took off. It took a 10 minutes walk to reach the Nursery School. On the way, she saw a giant elephant. She was