Integrity does matter
In my shared journeys to grow clientele, a delivery team has always played a vital role in winning a deal. It was a peculiar case where it took 3 long years for a client to consider to us aboard. Every time it felt that we are winning and lost at the very nearing last round. I always believed that one day, we’ll win. I had this confidence as I always responded with right proposals on time and received equally positive response until, we lost at the end. In this first year, I sought support from one of our technology team who had both domain expertise and technical know-how. On the D-day when we were to qualify the technical round, we had the presentation ready. As the delivery person accompanying me was a veteran, he even had 2-3 copies of ppt slides printed in case external device or presentations are not allowed in client’s premise. Our faces fell together when post presentation, the client asked doubt on a specific business case. My learned colleague didn’t have an ...